Thursday, November 20, 2008

WOW! Sorry its been so long!

I have not had internet for awhile. They took it away and we are currently in the process of getting our own set-up. We have electricity tonight so we were able to connect. Its nice to be on again. I wanted to let you all know that everything is well. I have a very strange request to get out of the way and then I will continue on.
I have had some patients with vaginal infections and Haiti does not sell Monistat anywhere. If anyone is interested in purchasing the 7 or 3 day course and sending me a couple packages that would be awesome.

I will be returning to the states on December 17th for 2 weeks. I will be in NH for three days and in South Carolina the rest of the time. I hope to see as many of you as I can during my visit, but please do not be offended or heartbroken if I do not see you as its hard to get around. I also will not have a vehicle so I won't be getting around quite as easily.

I have discovered that children are a gift from God...okay I knew that already...I have now discovered that they are also little animals :) I love my kids, but they are most certainly wild! I do love them so much though.

I am finally posting a picture of myself in my classroom! I do love my job. Its weird getting better at teaching when I know that I am nurse too. So what am I...a teacher or a nurse? I am both. I am a teacher-nurse. God has his ways that are far above our own ways.

I am going to have to include some fun times that I had this weekend. First on Sunday afternoon we went downtown and had a great time visiting some nice sights. Then on Tuesday it was a National Holiday(I think it was like Veteren's Day.) we went to a soccer game. This Soccer game was unlike any you have ever seen. It was in the national stadium and it was a game between Pastors all over the city and DJ's...yep that's right Pastors vs DJs! It was so incredible. Our friend Dan got to play on the Pastor's team and it was so funny, because he was the only white guy for miles. He played really well and got a lot of publicity. It was A LOT of fun.

This is a giant tower that President Aristide started making during his reign of power and ended up getting kicked out of the country before he could finish it. Its really amazing and it would be cool if they could finish it. It would be a great tourist attraction. I think you could see all of PAP up there. Its beautiful.

Here is the beautiful national Palace. As you can see it strongly resembles our own White House. It is very beautiful and the grounds are amazing. We did not go inside. It looked closed.

Here below is a picture that shows the stark contrast between the rich and the poor. The big beautiful white building is the Minister of Justice Palace. Right next door is a VERY poor neighborhood.

I think I have lost my fabulous connection and I am no longer able to get the soccer pics on here. I will have to post them next time. That is quite unfortunate as they are truly fabulous! You'll all have to wait for next time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Signs of Living Life in Haiti

1. Always having a stomachache and being so used to it that when it doesn't hurt you think there is something wrong with your body.

2. Looking like you have perpetual chicken pox from mosquito bites.

I'm sure there's more, but those are just two that came to mind.
I have so much work tonight so I am not going to write more, but I just want to answer a very important question.
The lady who had a stroke is now back at work and doing well. Little does she know that God has done an amazing miracle for her. She was back to work exactly one week after her stroke. I monitor her blood pressure about once a week for her.


Monday, November 3, 2008

I really do teach! Here's proof!

So most of my pictures have always been about the orphans or other such information and I know that I have not posted much concerning my students. As you know it is difficult to bring a camera to class. It is very distracting to them. One day I broke down and finally took some pictures. This is most of my class. I think some of them are hiding, but this is a pretty accurate picture of each of their personalities :) I love them so much. Each one in a very special way.

Up above is a picture of some of the kids as I am teaching Math class. The desks are set up in such a way as to have them separated from everything and focusing. Then when we want to teach them we either have them turn their chairs around or have them come sit at the tables. I have a big class though and my kids have trouble fitting at the tables.

Last but not least I want to show you an amazing picture of a little creature that came to visit my doorway the other day. You have to look very closely in order to see what it really is. If you look closely you can see that it is a big spider with an even bigger cockroach in its mouth. It really changes my opinion of spiders. If they are taking care of cockroach populations then my guest...ok not quite. I still hate them with a passion. I hope you guys all enjoyed this blog entry. I'm doing well and God is so good.

Love always


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