Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time's a ticking

I tell you! I am getting so antsy as I continue preparing to leave for Haiti!

As of today I have only 6 shifts left of work before I am done at my job.

I'm spending time with friends, packing, working, and trying to catch up on my rest.

I have learned so much at work in the last couple of days. I have had some really difficult patients and have been stretched to full capacity. It was such a good experience.
I just wanted to show off this picture of this beautiful baby. It just helps me to remember what I'm doing.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

27 days left

I LEAVE IN 27 DAYS!!!!!!!!! This is crazy, but so exciting. I am getting packed and getting ready and thats going so well.
I have 9 shifts left at work.

Welcome to my Site!

Enjoy the updates and please leave comments! I'd love to hear your news as well.